As Mothering Sunday is this weekend I have decided to make my Mum a present this year, rather than the shop bought alternative.
I definitely inherited all my crafty genes from my Mum, she started off as a textile designer in the 70's, during the 80's she used to have a patchwork and quilting business called Patchwork People and later an interior design company, all whilst bringing up 3 very demanding children!
Growing up I can remember that she always had her hand in one craft or another, you name it - she's done it, and to a high standard.

So to make her something as a gift is somewhat of a brave decision, especially as it will never stand up to her own impeccable finishing, but unfortunately in the last 10 years she has started to get arthritis in her hands and wrists and now finds it too painful to do a lot of her old favourite crafts such as quilting, knitting and crochet.

Hopefully a mother's loving eyes will look past the 'rustic' quality of the bag, although if i may say, i am really happy with the results, it is the first time i have properly lined a bag and I'm also rather proud of the inside pockets! I made it a wee bit too tall so had to cut some off the top, with the parts that i cut off though i made her a jewellery pouch to carry around in the bag (although i expect this will house her digital camera)!
It is also my little brother's birthday next week and he is an avid creative just like the rest of us, so i made him a sketch book and felt tip pen pouch like some of the crayon versions i have seen around, i tried to butch it up a bit by using strong canvas and raw denim, black bias binding to finish it off and a velcro tab closure, i thought a tie closure might be a bit girly, and i think I have achieved something quite boyish - hopefully!

I have way too many things that I want to make and not enough time!
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